How to Be Practical and Future-Focused for Lasting Excellence

Maggie Bowman #befuturefocused
4 min readFeb 15, 2024


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In a world teeming with ideas, ideologies, and a constant quest for innovation, the principle of pragmatism stands out as a beacon of practicality and actionable outcomes. It’s a philosophy that champions the real-world application of ideas, grounded in the understanding that the merit of a concept lies in its practical effects and tangible results. This ethos of pragmatism, intertwined with the visionary goals of the BeFutureFocused (BFF) mission, offers a compelling roadmap for entrepreneurs, business owners, and creative professionals seeking to navigate the complexities of modern marketplaces with agility, innovation, and a deep commitment to excellence.

The Pragmatist’s Path: Action, Reflection, and Cooperation

Pragmatism, as a philosophy, emphasizes the importance of practical consequences and real-world outcomes in shaping our understanding of concepts and problems. It encourages taking practical, action-oriented approaches to problem-solving, rooted in what is known to work, rather than being tethered to rigid ideologies. This approach values diversity, compromise, and cooperation, recognizing that multiple perspectives can enrich understanding and lead to more effective solutions. Pragmatists believe, as Charles Sanders Peirce eloquently put it, “Consider what effects, that might conceivably have practical bearings, we conceive the object of our conception to have. Then, our conception of these effects is the whole of our conception of the object.”

Such a perspective is invaluable in today’s fast-paced, often divisive world. It offers a refreshing lens through which to view conflicts and challenges, advocating for reflection and learning from experience to achieve practical and effective solutions. John Dewey’s insight, “We do not learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience,” encapsulates the essence of pragmatic thinking — it’s not just about doing but about learning and growing through the process.

BeFutureFocused: A Vision for Tomorrow

The BFF mission encapsulates a forward-looking approach, urging all work environments to embrace diverse viewpoints, listen to all voices, and ensure each individual has a path to success. It is a clarion call to empower businesses and organizations to navigate rapidly evolving marketplaces with impactful and innovative solutions. Embracing new ideas, championing collaborative success, and pursuing excellence in every endeavor are core values that BFF espouses, aiming to create meaningful impact and drive innovation by leveraging the full spectrum of human potential.

Leading with empathy, creativity, and a commitment to unified success, BeFutureFocused endeavors to construct a future where success isn’t merely measured by financial achievements but also by contributions to a more understanding, collaborative, and adaptable society. This vision guides every step of the professional journey, actively celebrating and harnessing the unique strengths of each individual to foster a culture of inclusivity and innovation.

Pivotal Questions for a Brighter Future

BeFutureFocused confronts compelling questions that challenge the status quo and inspire a deeper exploration of what it means to be future-focused:

  • How can we ignite a movement towards a future where innovation is fueled by embracing every individual?
  • How can we redefine success as our collective ability to elevate every voice, bridge every divide, and illuminate every path?
  • How can we authentically embody the ethos of being future-focused?

These questions are not just rhetorical but are calls to action, urging us to reflect on our practices, beliefs, and ambitions. They invite us to consider the practical bearings of our actions, as Peirce would suggest, and to embrace the truth of our ideas through their real-world impacts, echoing William James’s notion that “The truth of an idea is not a stagnant property inherent in it. Truth happens to an idea. It becomes true, is made true by events.”

Practical Steps to Embracing Pragmatism and Future-Focused Commitments

  1. Reflect on Outcomes: Regularly assess the real-world impacts of your decisions and strategies. Reflect on successes and setbacks with an eye towards learning and growth.
  2. Embrace Diversity: Actively seek out and value diverse perspectives within your team. Diversity fuels creativity and leads to more robust, practical solutions.
  3. Foster Cooperation: Encourage a culture of collaboration and compromise. Recognize that collective success often requires navigating differences and finding common ground.
  4. Learn from Experience: Dedicate time for reflection and learning from both personal and collective experiences. Use these insights to inform future actions and decisions.
  5. Champion Innovation: Stay open to new ideas and approaches, especially those that challenge conventional wisdom. Innovation is not just about technology but also about ways of thinking and solving problems.
  6. Build Empathetic Leadership: Lead with empathy and understanding, recognizing the unique strengths and challenges of each team member. Empathetic leadership fosters a supportive and productive work environment.
  7. Measure Success Broadly: Expand your metrics for success to include impact on society, employee well-being, and long-term sustainability alongside financial performance.

Conclusion: The Journey Ahead

In embracing pragmatism and the BeFutureFocused mission, we are called upon to act with intention, reflect deeply, and cooperate widely. It’s a journey that requires courage, openness, and a steadfast commitment to excellence and innovation. As we navigate this path, let us remember the words of Jane Addams, “Action indeed is the sole medium of expression for ethics,” and strive to embody our values through our actions.

This is not just a call to action but an invitation to a conversation. Let’s engage in dialogue, share insights, and explore the vast potential of what we can achieve together. By embracing practicality and future-focused commitments, we can forge a path to lasting excellence, one step at a time.

BeFutureFocused is more than a mission; it’s a movement towards a future defined by collective success, innovation, and a deep respect for every individual’s contribution. Let’s be part of this journey, redefining success and paving the way for a brighter, more inclusive future. Join the conversation, share your thoughts, and let’s explore together how we can authentically embody the spirit of being future-focused.



Maggie Bowman #befuturefocused

Expert in operational efficiency and project management. Passionate about creativity, innovation, and Sudoku. Lifelong learner and collaborator.